Monday, December 17, 2012

3 week old Rottweiler Puppy Update

The babies turned 3 weeks old last night, so we did a photo shoot for them.

Boy is 5 lbs, 13 oz
Girl is 5 lbs, 4 oz

The kids are such  porkers, they are going on a diet this week. I'm going to start limiting access to nursing since they don't seem to know when to stop. Hoping their weights will even out a bit in the next week. This week they've become very vocal in play, and are mouthing everything in the box. They are playing a lot with eachother and mamma. We introduced toys this week and will start more ENS type stuff later in the week, including a visit outdoors.

Baby Girl 3 weeks

Baby Boy .... always mouthin' off about something!

First full grips starting on the blankets in the whelping box....

Little girl barked and scared herself here I think! lol 

Little boy biting his own foot....thats how extreme these puppies are!

Little boy says 'Don't touch me, i kill you for touching me! arghhh"

Little girl taking a full grip on little boy

Little Boy

Little Boy

Little Boy 3 weeks

Little girl .... fallin' and I can't get up!

Little Boy takes his version of a full grip on the whelping box

Little Boy biting feet... he does this whenever I come in the box.

New teeth are coming in!

Little Girl 3 week photos

Little girl straight on headshot

Little Boy was not cooperating with the poses ....

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